in the cold november rain

outfit post, yayyy!
I got some new duds I'm eager to show off.

yesterday I woke up exhausted (tegan&sarawoot) to the sound of something sprinkling across my window, and when I peeked outside I was shocked to see snow! I was also a little surprised by how happy it made me. I'm not one for the cold, but I love snow. and really, snow usually means milder weather is coming. anyway, I think it was mostly the happy associations snow brings with it, like warm living rooms, naps under heavy blankets, hot chocolate and toast, and Christmas. I felt a little more at home. first time in forever.
I bundled up for the wintery weather inspired by my cheery disposition.

I started taking my outfit shots before I realized I had forgotten to put on my shoes!
and they were part of the coziness, because they kept my feet dry.
also, you can't really tell, but my tights have tiny black polka dots. it's a very nice touch. :o)

dress- h&m
cardigan- h&m
belt- smart set
tights- modcloth
boots- charlotte russe

today I got to wear my latest present from the mail man- a vintage dress I ordered from etsy! I kind of had my eye out for something pink, and this was too original and adorable to pass up.
I wore it for walking around in nippy weather with an eggnog latte and a cute boy. oh sigh*.

haha, I look kind of melancholy in the first photo...I'm not, I'm just trying to get some new poses and expressions! 
and how PINK is this dress?
pretty pink, says I.
and the boots are actually deep purple, not black.

dress- vintage fr. bloomstreetvintage on etsy
vest- garage 
necklace- buenostyle on etsy
tights- ardene's
socks- ardene's
boots- spring

maybe winter is becoming my season. <3