I am a mountain like you said to be

whoa, little bit of a lag between blogging days here! oops.
I have some photos for youuuu. my outfits for thursday and friday, because yes I am that behind.

I finally tried the belted scarf thing! I'm such a band wagon-jumper...

dress- fr. Winners
scarf- h&m
long sleeve tee- gap
belt- thrifted
tights- primark
shoes- h&m

mmm, messy hair...I like it for a friday. :o)

shirt- h&m
pants- h&m
booties- primark

apparently I could be an h&m add lately! I wish.

I tried uploading using flickr, this time..I'm not sure if it worked or not, but hopefully soon I'll be able to take photos outside anyways, so that will probably help. thanks for your suggestions! it was so nice of you all to help.

the reason I didn't post yesterday was because, honestly, it was a pretty rotten day.

I've been getting along quite nicely with Halifax lately, but yesterday I was reminded of the things I don't like about living here. mostly it's how difficult it's been to make any sort of connection here. I'm finding it really hard to make friends and I'm not used to that. I mean, I'm okay with it being just me and Brandon if that's the way it goes. that's all I need. but when I'm trying so hard to connect with people and getting nowhere... it feels lonely.

I really like some of the people who've been in my classes, and some of the people I'm working with now. but it's kind of hard to talk to these people. I feel like every time I open my mouth they think I'm retarded, and we always run out of things to say pretty quickly. it's awkward. I know it's always awkward at the beginning, but trust me, this is like they'd really rather not be talking to me.

so friday every attempt at making conversation I made totally bombed and the day was horribly awkward in general. on top of that, everyone just completely freaked me out about ever getting a job (which I am constantly worried about anyways) and now I feel like I'm spending copious amounts of money to wind up working at a McDonald's.

but of course I feel much better now. thank goodness for lovely boyfriends who draw you bubble baths and take you to movies and buy you cheeseburgers. :o) and I promised myself a long time ago that I would find beauty in everything, and that includes my new Halifax life.

...long story short, we saw The Road and it was awesomeeee. I'd love to ramble about it but I think I've rambled enough for one entry. all I will say is it's heart wrenching and strangely beautiful.

on another note, I just want to say thanks to anyone who reads this and those who take the time to comment. I get so excited when I see that people have actually been reading! really it makes me feel just swell. especially since you're all so cool and stylish yourselves. so thank you!

sorry for accosting you with text!
love, Sarah


Laura said...

Awww... Brandon got your bubble bath ready? I'm going to make sure Craig does that for me SOON! haha

PS those outfits are lovely!

Blackbird Fly said...

I adore that first outfit, and the second looks sooooo comfy :)

I want a bubble bath...

Crystal Card said...

OOOH, I love bubble baths, movies and cheeseburgers!!!
I'm so sorry you had a rotton day! It's good of Brando to cheer you up. I'm certain you'll make some great friends, you're such a beautiful and likeable person! If they're being odd, it's because they're odd and they have no idea what they're missing! Anyway, I sound like an old gramma, the point is, I think you're lovely!

Crystal Card said...

oooh, btw.. try sitemeter.com... I'm sure there are loads of others that stop by your blog and don't comment. A sitemeter will let you see that, it's a little more encouraging when you know people ARE reading. Once you sign up, add the html code to a html box in the customize section of blogger. easy.

Anonymous said...

hi! I just found your blog via chictopia. :)
I recently moved to Saskatoon, but I used to live in Halifax (Armdale area & at the very top of Gottingen).
Halifax can definitely be a tough place to make friends at first; a lot of people have semi-closed off groups of friends from high school & university, but maybe try exploring a few different hangout spots (if you have the time). Gus' Pub (North & Robie) is one of my favourite places on the planet. Or maybe meet people through a class! Lulu Lemon has yoga classes on Spring Garden & there are literally TONS of dance & art teachers all over HRM.
What school do you go to?