it takes two

two posts in one day? why it's unheard of!

just my outfit, don't get too excited. :o)

flats today, to give my toes a break!

dress- Modcloth
cardigan- thrifted, value village
tights- we love colours & joe fresh (2 pairs again!)
boots- charlotte russe

man, blogger massacres photos. but everyone else's seem to look so good! any tips, anybody?
I don't think it's the pixels, cause my little canon is actually pretty good on that front.

kaykay. back to real life.



Tieka, Selective Potential said...

I love your ModCloth dress and your cardigan is such a great find! I find that when I upload my pictures right through blogspot, they turn out pixely, but I don't know. I upload them through flickr and just add them that way. If that makes sense. Hee!
selective potential

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Awesome dress!
P.S. On pictures, are you uploading directly to Blogger? It's usually better to upload to a hosting site and then link to Blogger.

Blackbird Fly said...

I loooove the combo of yellow and maroon! You really, really seem to have an eye for colors!

As for pics: try playing around with the lighting. Lighting is the KEY to photography, or so I'm finding more and more with my own pictures. Try outdoors--natural lighting works wonders :)

Kyla said...

That dress is so cute!

Kristin said...

I love that dress, and how you mixed patterns!