they say it's your birthday...

hey peeps!

today was a great day, and so was yesterday; I'll tell you all about it. but first, outfit!
yesterday, as you know, was the bf's b-day, so we got purdied up and went out for a deliciously overpriced seafood dinner.

I wore this dress cause he bought it for me a while back, and he likes when I wear it. :o)
I added the patterned scarf to keep it from being too matchy-matchy.
he wore his birthday present from moi and looked quite dashing if you ask me.

dress- dynamite
cardigan- kersh fr. envy
tights- ardene's
scarf- some Paris vendor
boots- charlotte russe

shirt- h&m
tie- heritage 81
pants- heritage 81

we had funnn. and the food was amazing! we had calamari and scallops au gratin and shrimp and sweet potato fries...I'm getting hungry again just thinking about it!
and I got him an amazing coldstone ice cream cake (that WASN't secretly for me, cause I don't even like peanut butter cups :op) and we...watched tv. we're craaaayzee like that.

today I kind of had the day off, and it was pretty convenient because it was midnight madness at the mall! so I kind of went Christmas-shopping crazy. BUT my loan finally came in yesterday, so it's okay! and nothing for myself. even though when I went into h&m to get something for my mom I saw a jacket covered entirely in sequins. and next to it, sequinned leggings. and a sequinned tunic. oh so tempting considering my weakness for sparkle as of late. but I stood fast.

the mall outing kind of dictated my outfit. I like to look nice when I go out because I don't do it very often, and if it's at a mall I want people to think I don't dress totally lame, haha. and I always have this problem of looking too young when I'm shopping and people are surprised when I pay with a credit card.
so, all that to say, I tried to look decently cool but not trendy little girly. cause I already look like I'm fourteen.

I actually ended up more punk/grunge than I intended, but oh well. I actually got several compliments from strangers! so all's well.

dress- reubber duckie(??) fr. envy
tee- suzy shier
tights- modcloth
socks- h&m
boots- same as yesterday!
necklace- modcloth

totally in love with that necklace by the way. so cute, and goes with everything. I love the brassy colour, it makes it a little unique.

s'all for tonight, folks!
time for bed, because even though tomorrow's Remembrance Day and a national holiday, I have production night. 



Natalie Suarez said...

omg u guys are both so cute together! i love ur tights and socks :)


Tieka, Selective Potential said...

love the outfits! and im really liking your blog too!
you and your bf are seriously adorable together. :)

Laura said...

Yellow dress outfit is one of my favourites so far! You look so modelly(?) and cute!

Crystal Card said...

ahh you both look adorable!!! love yellow and grey, and of course red and black are the hot classic! I've got a fantastic red and black plaid jacket, I can't remember but I think it's from forever 21. Anywho, happy bday to the dude