take the money & run


well, this is a little late, but my friday was just as grand as I thought it would be.
I went Christmas shopping, and I bought alllll THIS.

shopping alone is hard work! those bags started to get heavy. and by the time I stopped into Lulu Lemon to get something for my sister I could barely look around without knocking someone over.
but it was fun! and this is all I got for myself.

can I just say.. I LOVE THESE SHOES. I finally got them, and they are heels and they are so comfortable. now if only I had a brown pair....my wardrobe would be complete. for now. 
and really, makeup's not even a splurge. I need that. 
the scarf was debated, but I decided to go for it. it's just so pretty, and I've recently decided I don't have enough square scarves. 

so I spent all day picking up presents for my family, then got the most delicious caramel brule latte at starbucks, then watched some basketball and Say Yes to the Dress. all in all a very chill day. 

I didn't realize when I picked it out that my outfit was a more "chill" version of the one from monday; flowers and stripes. what can I say, I love mixing a pattern these days. 

shirt- h&m
cardigan- walmart
pants- h&m
boots- spring

today was a little busier, but just as cool.
tonight was Brando's Christmas party for work. we all went to a dinner theatre; it was so cool. the show was cheesy, but so funny and all the performers did a fantastic job. it was 70s themed. and the food was amazing. I had lobster crepes! who knew I loved lobster so much?
of course I had to break out the new shoes.

dress- esley fr. envy
top- somewhere in London
tights- we love colors
belt- bizou
shoes- h&m

that's the weekend so far. it's really late because we ended up watching Walk The Line on tv, so it was like three hours long...but totally worth it. I wish Joaquin Phoenix hadn't gone crazy. he's so stinkin' talented.

goodnight, blog.
goodnight, moon.

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